Who uses the Wellington Internet Exchange?
Their contact details are available from the APNIC database which is available at http://wq.apnic.net/apnic-bin/whois.pl.
CityLink cannot change these contact details - contact the organisation concerned or APNIC.
Except for agreed Internet operational purposes, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of CityLink on behalf of the copyright holders. Any use of this material to target advertising or similar activities are explicitly forbidden and will be prosecuted. CityLink requests to be notified of any such activities or suspicions thereof.
For an alternative source of information see the New Zealand Network Operators' Contact list
Route Servers
The following route servers are in operation on the Exchange:
- rs1.wix.nzix.net: Looking Glass
- rs2.wix.nzix.net: Looking Glass
The route servers only implement basic filtering.
A list of bogons is copied from http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/Bogons/bogon-bn-agg.txt and these routes are filtered inbound and outbound. In addition both IPv4 and IPv6 default routes are filtered as well as IPv4 prefixes > /24 and IPv6 prefixes > /48.
There are also filters that limit the number of prefixes that any peer can announce:
- Default Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000
- Default Max IPv6 prefixes: 500
There are 89 organisations configured to peer with the route servers, if you believe this is in error again please contact peering@citylink.co.nz.
AS Number | Peering Details |
descr: 3CIX
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64646 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: ACS Linuxnet
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18119 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::f5
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Actrix
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9872 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: AdvantageComputers
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45641 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Asnet Technologies Ltd
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64640 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: ATP
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64564 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: ATT Global
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS2687 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::31
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Autonomica AB
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS8674 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::d1 IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::d2
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: BDT
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS4831 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Breathe
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64551 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Business Online
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS55454 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: CallPlus
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9790 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1a1
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Catalyst Avalon
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64655 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Catalyst IT
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24226 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::91 IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::92
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: CDP Group
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64659 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Citylink Corp
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS132040 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::dd IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::de
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Dane Foster
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45633 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::d0
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Datacom
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS10022 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: DMZ Global
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17649 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::118
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Domainz
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9736 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: dotNZ Registry Service rPKI testing
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS38037 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::ae
descr: DTS
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24183 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::8f IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::93
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Equinox Limited
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS133729 |
IPv4 peer:
descr: Ermanz
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64533 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Fastcom
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18015 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::bc IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::bf
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: FeeniX Communications
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS135069 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::e3
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Flatnet
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9483 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::77
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Fronde
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9399 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: FX Networks
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9503 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1af IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1b0
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Gareth Morgan Investments
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45950 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::106
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: ICONZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS4770 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::a6 IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::a7
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Inland Revenue Department
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9788 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Inspire Net
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17705 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::7b
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Intergen
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24347 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Internet NZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45809 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::bb
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Juniper
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64548 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::5e
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Katipo-CL
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23977 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Knossos Duxton
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64639 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Knossos Networks
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24006 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::4c
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Kordia NZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24324 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::da
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: LearningMedia
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64595 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Massey University
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9433 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::2c
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: MetService
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17792 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: MfE
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23904 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Michael Jager Research Port
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS46075 |
IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::b1
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Microsoft
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS8075 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::dc
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: MinEdu
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24318 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Modica
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS7696 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::89
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NatLib
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9338 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Netspace Services
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9733 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NIWA
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18378 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NOW New Zealand Limited
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9876 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::23
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NZ Post
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24074 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NZRS
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23869 |
IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::2f
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: NZwireless
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24111 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Orcon Ltd
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17746 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::90
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Parliamentary Services
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS58421 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: PCH
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS3856 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1fe
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: PCH1
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS42 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1fd
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Plan-B
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS132240 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::e1
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: R2
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64650 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: REANNZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS38022 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::ab
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Revera
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18353 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::10d
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: SafeNZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24005 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::6f
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: SDN Controller
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS24387 |
IPv4 peer: IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::fb IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::fc
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1 |
descr: SDS
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9896 |
IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::61
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Snap Internet Limited
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23655 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1f0
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Solarix
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23838 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::ad
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Solnet Solutions
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45473 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Telesmart Ltd
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS133075 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::e2
descr: Te Puni Kokiri
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64626 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Teritary Education Commission
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS131187 |
IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::ba
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: The Cloud
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS132161 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::db
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: The Laptop Company
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64617 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Trade Me
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9834 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Tui Gateway
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45163 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::1c
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: TVNZ
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS37999 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::24
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Unisys
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18021 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::38
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Unleash Computers
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS38477 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::b0
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Vibe Communications
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS45177 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::bd
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Vodafone IHUG
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS9500 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::f1
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: VUW
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS23905 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::55
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: VUW-CSW
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS131193 |
IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::6e
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: VUW MLAB
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS132003 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::be
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: WCN
For contact details and peering policy see the NZRR local database: AS64656 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Wellington City Council
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS38329 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Wellington Schools Loop Network
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17484 |
IPv4 peer:
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: World Exchange
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS17435 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::116 IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::117
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
descr: Xtreme Networks
For contact details and peering policy see the APNIC database: AS18400 |
IPv4 peer: IPv6 peer: 2001:7fa:3:ca07::96
Max IPv4 prefixes: 1000 |
© Citylink, page created: Sunday 02 February 2025